Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Project: Game Time

We got to the lab a little over an hour before the showing of final projects in the science center, and our puppet is completely broken! Sometime in the night it fell off the table and all of the motors fell out and the strings were utterly tangled. It was a stressful disaster. And to top it all off, we ran out of glue sticks for the hot glue gun, which was how we attached the motors to the box. So, duct tape came to the rescue. It wasn't pretty, but it worked and that's what counts.
The exhibition went very well, and our puppet danced his pants off. Other than a slightly gimpy right arm, everything worked really well and people really enjoyed playing with it. My partner took some great video of me and another girl using the Man-ipulator. They are on her blog, http://jchevallier.tumblr.com/, but we had some difficulty downloading them because they were taken with her phone, which is why I don't have them. My camera died a few minutes before the exhibition and I don't have a smart phone to download the videos. We had an awesome time showing people how everything worked, and anyone who had played DDR was impressed by our homemade pad.
Unfortunately, after two hours of vigorous play, our little Harvard boy wasn't holding up so well. The duct tape couldn't hold up one of the motors and it was hitting another, making a little grinding noise. Very unpleasant.
So that was the end of our final project! We were really happy with how it turned out, and impressed with ourselves for following through with out idea.

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